Thanks, Mom!

Par mūžīgajām rūpēm un beznosacījuma mīlestību! Paldies par atbalstu, ticību maniem spēkiem un iedrošinājumu! Paldies par padomu, par mierinājumu, par pelnītu rājienu… Paldies par gaismu, par ceļu, par to, ka vienmēr mani gaidi. Bet vislielākais paldies par to, ka Tu man esi! Pateiksim mammām paldies un mīlēsim, cienīsim, rūpēsimies par viņām ne tikai Mātes dienā, […]

Stickers Rule!

Roll labels are a great choice for companies that need large quantities of labels to label their products. Sticker rolls are the perfect choice for companies that need large quantities of stickers for product labelling, promotions or re-pricing. One of the biggest advantages is the ability to customise the shape of the labels and choose […]

Notepads for Every Taste

The notepad is one of the most tasteful advertisements for the company. A notepad is one of the most tasteful corporate advertisements – it not only looks presentable, but is practical to use. enivo offers a wide range of notepads – glued, spiral, sticky notes, bookmarks and calendars – with design personalization options on both […]

Sweet AD

Great advertising creates feelings! To reach out to potential customers or to thank existing ones, a fantastic promotional gift is candy in personalised packaging. A particularly good idea is candy in a metal box in different flavours, which can be designed to suit any company’s preferences and style.

Mark of Quality

A company with a well-developed corporate identity is a sign of the highest quality. A company with an excellent corporate identity is a mark of excellence because it has not only firmly defined its character, but also its values, its goals and its responsibility towards work. The tasteful, ascetic logo, style book and all promotional […]

2016 – Third Quarter Donation – Families 2

In the third quarter, 1% of Enivo’s turnover – €2 100 – was donated to support families. Of this amount, EUR 360 was donated to the Latvian Christian Alliance for Orphans, which used the donated funds to print flyers to inform the public about the “Orphan Sunday” movement. EUR 1740 was donated to the Zvannieku […]

Wrap Beautifully!

The festive season is great because it is filled with kindness, love, togetherness and beautifully wrapped gifts! And companies take care of that too, choosing to give gifts to partners, employees and customers in tasteful bags and packaging. The Delfin group’s special logo design, printed on high-quality bags, will delight both company managers and gift […]