2016 – Third Quarter Donation – Families

We are pleased to announce that part of the third quarter’s 1% enivo turnover – EUR 360 – was donated to the association “Latvian Christian Alliance for Orphans”. The donated funds were used to print flyers to raise public awareness about the “barenusvetdiena.lv” movement. We would like to thank both the clients who have made […]

Gift Time

With the festive season approaching, it’s time to think about tasteful gifts for employees and business partners! Briz has specially prepared a gift set for the anniversary celebrations – a spectacle case and a tie, packed in an elegant box. enivo will help you choose the perfect gifts for any occasion, even for your company!

A Grand Event

The joy is doubled when it is shared! We are truly honoured that just recently the first enivo order – great wall calendars – went across the ocean to America, where many people will enjoy them for a whole year. Thank you, friends and customers, for trusting and choosing enivo!

Target Flight

Promotional materials produced for the RIGA INSTITUTES FOR AERONAUISATION. Promotional materials – folders and bags made for RIGA INSTITUTE FOR AERONAVIGATION. enivo pays attention to every nuance of colour – two different yellow colours are chosen for two different papers so that they look identical in the final product. We will help you achieve your […]